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Reconciliation & Anti-Racism Training

Helping you make culturally safe paths forward.

Check out the various courses and book studies that you can join to start on your path of reconciliation and anti-racism training with us.

There are options ranging from $30 to $800, from bite-size 2 hour sessions up to an extensive weekly for 2 months!

So make sure to look through them all, and if none of these fit your budget please get ahold of us as no-one will be turned away due to lack of funds.

Training can be done in-person or over Zoom.

Please, reach out if you have any questions!

What we can work on together:

The word 'Courses' spelled out.
The words 'Awakening Reconciliation & Anti-Racism: Foundations' spelled out.
Awakenings Reconciliation & Anti-Racism Training logo, the letter 'A' inside of a blue circle.

8 sessions, 2 hours/week (+1-2 hours of prep time per week)

$500 Basic plan - $800 Supporter plan. * (Pricing explained at bottom of page)

Learn about the structures that keep racism in place, the concepts for analyzing racial dynamics in our society, and the necessary grounding for effective allyship, leadership, and partnership in reconciliation.

Intimate, small group experience with lots of discussion, connection, and grounding time!  We look at the foundations of racism. We delve into hidden biases and examine Canadian history and what we didn’t learn in school. Then, we move into planning for how you can bring anti-racist practice into your own life, both personal and professional.

If you are registering a whole group, don't hesitate to contact us by email to schedule a start date!

 Sessions may be in-person training or over Zoom, depending on the participants.

If you are looking for shorter reconciliation or anti-racism training, check below for more bite-size courses and group book studies!  

Two women smiling and working together at a desk with coffee.
Two young men sitting on a couch having a serious conversation.
The words 'Introduction to Anti-Racism' spelled out.

1 session, 2 hours

$50 Basic plan - $80 Supporter plan.

You may be eligible for the $30 Trial plan if this is your first session with us!

What is the definition of racism?  How does it show up?  What is the difference between non-racist and anti-racist?  What are some of the barriers to equality in our society?  Let's answer these questions together!

The words 'Responding to Racist Comments and Incidents' spelled out.

1 session, 3 hours

$60 Basic plan - $90 Supporter plan.

Do you ever feel awkward or confused about what to do when racism happens around you?

An honest discussion on how to handle those pivotal moments and step into allyship.

Recommended pre-requisite:

Introduction to Anti-Racism course is acceptable.

Awakening Reconciliation & Anti-Racism: Foundations for Thriving in Community, or other in-depth anti-racism learning is preferable.

Two white women having a conversation on couches, possibly a therapy session.
The back of two police officers in full riot gear.
The words 'Defunding the Police' spelled out.

1 session, 2 hours

$50 Basic plan - $80 Supporter plan.

What do people mean when they talk about defunding the police?
In this session, we'll explore some of the different reasons behind this call and take a glimpse into the visions put forth about alternative futures for our society.

1 session, 2 hours

$50 Basic plan - $80 Supporter plan.

The goal of this Listening Circle is to create space in a small group for shared emotional connection about the impact of systemic racism.  The Listening Circle event will provide a space for people to connect, share their experiences, and look to the future.

A circle of people holding each others hands, raised up in the air, all smiling.
Two young ladies working on a computer in an office setting.
The words 'Awakening Reconciliation & Anti-Racism 2.0' spelled out.

4 sessions, 2 hours each (total of 8 hours, with some prep time)

$150 Basic plan - $250 Supporter plan.

The Next Level of reconciliation and anti-racism training!

Analysis of current events and policies, using the framework and terms we explored in lead-up courses.  If the group wants, we can focus on a specific area such as defunding the police, Indigenous land rights, etc.

Opportunities to practice call-ins and active witnessing using participant scenarios and role play, with goal setting and accountability for your own anti-racism work.

Healing practices and body awareness are included.

The words 'All the Reports We Have Not Read (Yet)' spelled out.

4 sessions, 2 hours each (total of 8 hours, with some prep time)

$150 Basic plan - $250 Supporter plan.

Join this 4 session group to get a clearer picture of the critical calls to action that have been issued to Canada and its citizens through these key reports.

You know the ones:  UNDRIP (United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples), TRC (Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action), MMIWG (Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls Calls to Justice), In Plain Sight: Addressing Indigenous-specific Racism and Discrimination in B.C. Health Care.

A circle of people holding each others hands, raised up in the air, all smiling.
An old library with leather bound books and a ladder.

We also provide reconciliation and anti-racism training in the form of group book studies!  Here are the books we currently offer:

  • Desmond Cole's The Skin We're In: A Year of Black Resistance and Power

  • Robin DiAngelo's White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism

  • Jesse Wente's Unreconciled: Family, Truth, and Indigenous Resistance

  • Jody Wilson-Raybould's True Reconciliation

  • Angela Sterritt's Unbroken

  • More to be offered soon!  

If you are registering as a whole group, please email us and we can set a whole group aside for you!

Have a book request for your group?

Let us know and we will see what we can do!

The words 'Book Studies' spelled out.
The words 'Pricing Explained' spelled out.

Supporter: The true cost of offering this course.  This amount assures a living wage and covers basic costs including venue (as needed), preparation, facilitation, resources, media and marketing, and also various reparations payments and the financial support of organizations run by Indigenous, Black, and People of  Colour who do racial justice work for their communities.  If you are financially fairly secure: steady source of income, own your own home or have a mortgage, enough income for meals out and vacations, please considering paying this rate.

Basic: The break-even price; the minimum that it costs to offer this course.  This is a more affordable option for those who want to engage in the work, but can't manage the true cost rate.

Supported: This option is for those who have little income security and consistently struggle to make ends meet.  Please contact me to discuss options.  No one will be turned away due to inability to pay.  We want to support you.

50% deposit payable by e-transfer is due at time of registration. Full payment is due once time and date for course has been finalized. Deposit will be refunded if a suitable date is not found. Refunds for other reasons will be given in rare circumstances, but deposits and fees can be put toward other courses or gifted to other participants or the "supported" fund.

Please contact us for group rates and corporate rates!

Have Questions?

Interested in reconciliation and anti-racism training or book studies, but need to learn more about them first? 


Email us at:

Awakenings Reconciliation & Anti-Racism Training logo, the letter 'A' inside of a blue circle.
Students hands raised to ask a question of the instructor in a classroom.

It’s all about a dialogue!

A few words from our clients. and colleagues:

The momentum you have created with this group is exciting and powerful.

Frances McCoubrey, 
Secondary School Teacher,

I believe it to be one of the single most important experiences that I've had for professional (and personal) development.
Margaret-Anne creates such a support and welcoming environment and is so skilled at navigating through these challenging topics.
Honestly, don't even think twice, just sign up!!

Dena Baumann
Lake City Secondary School, 

Thank you so much for leading this thought-provoking series of workshops.  It was amazing and challenging and hopeful.  I really liked and appreciated the way you facilitated.  Each afternoon flew by for me.

Jen Clark
Secondary School Teacher,


Thank you, Margaret-Anne, for such an enlightening education.  I feel like I am more critical of the system I am part of and am looking for change.

Nara Riplinger
Secondary School Teacher,

Mostly, I appreciate the time you take... for each person and being sensitive with each response."

Carol Thiessen
St. Peter's Anglican participant

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