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I hold with respect and transparency the tension of being a white person engaged in this work.  I recognize that, at some level, this means that I am profiting from the suffering of IBPOC people.  At the same time, I honour my IBPOC mentors, colleagues, and friends, that encourage me to continue, because the work needs to be done, because there is so much of it to be done, and because it should not be solely on the shoulders of racialized people to do that work.  I honour that I have been given the skills, the ability, and the opportunity to do this crucial work. I acknowledge that this opportunity comes largely as a result of privilege on many levels.  Privilege does not absolve me of the need to act, but rather necessitates it.  My offerings are just a step on the path of what needs to be a life-long anti-racism and reconciliation journey. Those that take my courses also must learn and centre the voices of those with lived experience.
And so I commit to working with integrity by:

  • Continually learning about the forces and dynamics that keep racism active and reconciliation unrealized;

  • Examining my own position and privilege and how that impacts Indigenous, Black, and racialized people;

  • Seeking and being open and responsive to feedback whenever and however it is given, both from racialized people and white peers who I invite to hold me accountable

  • Donating at least 5% of net income to equity-deserving groups or individuals in the form of reparations;

  • Purchasing from and partnering with racialized people whenever possible;

  • Offering fair/equitable compensation when partnering with Indigenous, Black, and racialized people;

  • Acting to seek justice;

  • Actively supporting IBPOC leaders by taking and promoting their courses;

  • Striving to dismantle oppressive systems and transform individual actions and relationships.

The word 'accountability' spelled out.
A group of women of varying races and ethnicities smiling and posing for a photo.

Take Reconciliation and Anti-Racism training with  these amazing BIPOC facilitators!

Here are some amazing options that we would love to endorse!

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